


This weeks weekly photo challenge is ‘opposites’.

This picture has the green of the tree, with the barren, but completely breath-taking and mind-blowing, landscape of the Grand Canyon in the background.  It’s also a view over to the North Rim from the South Rim.

This was taken in the Grand Canyon National Park probably around 7.30am.  It had been a much earlier start for sunrise!

14 thoughts on “Opposites

      1. I have backpacked from Grandview Point three times and hiked Hermit trail. It changes the color and light quickly. I did a post on last trip in with pics from inside. I don’t go to the River to avoid people and mules

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      2. Thank you, I’m unable to view the post, when I click the link it brings up a message saying I am unable to edit the post. I’ve tried copying and pasting but a message comes up saying I can’t access the dashboard as it is not my account.

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